All For Easy Code just Mathematics App 

With Android Studio and a combination of Java and XML, you will be ready and running and coding great Android applications in a short time.

Let us begin. We will create a very simple application called Just Math that will ask the user for the Math question. The user presses (✔) or (X) to answer the question. This will be a project-based learning where you will have something concrete in the end.

We will build this application step by step, understanding the key concepts and the underlying principles of Android. So, what are you waiting for? We are going to get the necessary tools to start.

Tools Required :
Download java - JDK

You need to download Java JDK. Be sure to download JDK, that is, Java Development Kit. At     the time of writing this article, this is the URL to download the JDK.      
* Download the file specific to your operating system.
* Just run that file and run it: follow the step and you will have finished with the JDK configuration.
2 - Download Android Studio -
* Recommended IDE for Android: integrated development environment to develop Android         applications. Here is the link - Android Studio (
* Download it and follow the steps to install it.
* If the URL does not work, Google - Download from Android Studio.

Once everything is installed, everything is ready to start developing Android applications. Here are the steps shown:

All For Easy Code - Java & Android Studio Setup

You can follow our video tutorial to understand it better.


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